Women's Cross Country Finishes Top Three at McNeese

Women's Cross Country Finishes Top Three at McNeese

In a spectacular showcase of talent and determination, the St. Thomas Celts Women's Cross Country team delivered an outstanding performance at the McNeese Cowboy Stampede on September 23rd. The event, hosted by McNeese State University, featured tough competition from collegiate cross country programs across the region. The Celts, known for their commitment to excellence in athletics, demonstrated their prowess with 101 points by securing a well-deserved third-place finish- and the highest placing DIII school at the meet. 

Individual Performances: The Celts' success was driven by outstanding performances from their top athletes:

  1. Sophia Sanchez (13th place): Sophia Sanchez led the team with an impressive time of 19:40.24, earning 13 points for the Celts.

  2. Alejandra Ramon (19th place): Alejandra Ramon followed closely behind, clocking in at 20:01.73 and contributing 19 points to the team's score.

  3. Samantha Hernandez (21st place): Samantha Hernandez displayed her determination and strength with a time of 20:06.94, earning 21 points.

  4. Victoria Ramirez (23rd place): Victoria Ramirez showcased her competitive spirit with a time of 20:09.94, contributing 23 points to the team's total.

  5. Ashlee Garcia (25th place): Ashlee Garcia rounded out the top five with a time of 20:20.60, adding 25 points to the team's overall score.

Building Momentum: The St. Thomas Celts Women's Cross Country team's third-place finish at the McNeese Cowboy Stampede sets a promising tone for the rest of the season. With such talented and determined athletes, the Celts are poised to continue their ascent in the world of collegiate cross country.