Women's Soccer Opens 2023 With Draw Against ETBU

Women's Soccer Opens 2023 With Draw Against ETBU

In an intense soccer showdown on September 1, 2023, the St. Thomas Celts and East Texas Baptist Tigers battled to a nail-biting 1-1 draw in front of a passionate crowd at Cornish Field in Marshall.

The first half of the game remained goalless, as both teams exhibited impressive defensive skills. The goalkeepers, Kylie Soich for St. Thomas and Addison Funk for East Texas Baptist, made crucial saves to keep their teams in contention.

The match reached its turning point in the 59th minute when East Texas Baptist's Carly Wyatt found the back of the net, assisted by Olivia Gallegos. This goal ignited the Tigers' hopes of securing a win on their home turf.

However, the Celts weren't ready to concede. Abigail Davila, in a memorable moment, scored her first career goal in the 72nd minute, with an assist from Paola Colon. Davila's achievement added to the excitement of the game, leveling the score at 1-1.

Kylie Soich, guarding the Celts' goal, emerged as a standout player, making a remarkable total of 8 saves during the match. Her heroic efforts were instrumental in preserving her team's chances throughout the game.

Both teams demonstrated incredible determination and offensive prowess, with East Texas Baptist registering 18 shots and St. Thomas Celts managing 8 of their own.

Ultimately, neither team could break the deadlock, and the game concluded as a 1-1 draw. The evenly contested match showcased the talent and resilience of both sides and left the spectators on the edge of their seats until the final whistle.

Up next, Women's Soccer returns for their home opener against North American University on September 6th. Follow ustcelts.com for all scores and updates.