Men's Basketball Triumphs Over Texas Lutheran 95-71

Men's Basketball Triumphs Over Texas Lutheran 95-71

In a commanding performance on February 10, 2024, the St. Thomas (Tex.) men's basketball team clashed with Texas Lutheran, emerging victorious with a resounding final score of 95-71.

St. Thomas dominated the game from the opening tip-off, setting the tone with an explosive offensive display in the first half. They established a commanding lead of 48-31 by halftime, capitalizing on their scoring opportunities and demonstrating exceptional teamwork on both ends of the court.

Nick Anderson led the charge for St. Thomas, delivering an impressive performance with 20 points, supported by a balanced scoring effort from Marion Williams (21 points) and Ricky Altamirano (16 points). Angel Johnson orchestrated the offense effectively, tallying 9 assists while contributing 3 points and 5 rebounds.

On the defensive end, St. Thomas applied relentless pressure, forcing turnovers and limiting Texas Lutheran's scoring opportunities. Charles Gitonga was a defensive stalwart, recording 7 rebounds and contributing 15 points to the offensive effort.

With this impressive victory, St. Thomas showcased their strength as a team and reaffirmed their position as a formidable contender in the conference.