Black History Month Student-Athlete Spotlight: Halle Williams

Black History Month Student-Athlete Spotlight: Halle Williams

Throughout February and beyond, Celt Athletics is thrilled to embrace and honor Black History Month by showcasing the remarkable stories within our student-athlete community. These individuals play an indispensable role in shaping our rich Celt Culture and University experience. Join us today as we spotlight the Halle Williams of Celt Spirit!

Get to Know Halle

Halle, a junior and first-year member of UST Spirit, is pursuing her studies in biology while remaining rooted in her hometown of Houston. She's a familiar face at UST sporting events, where she brings her vibrant energy to the sidelines as part of her squad's dance performances. Whether dancing at games or participating in university events. Halle is actively involved in preparing the program for upcoming competitions, aiming to lead them to success starting this year.

Halle's choice of the University of St. Thomas stems from her desire for a diverse educational setting that fosters academic development while supporting her faith journey. Beyond her dedication as a student-athlete, Halle finds joy in various activities, including ice skating, enjoying her favorite movie "Moana," and grooving to tunes by Kanye West.

One major part of Halle's student-athlete experience is helping bring awareness to her culture and community. She does this by identifying, supporting, and uplifting other Black student-athletes by sharing advice and her own experiences, fostering a welcoming community for all.

For Halle, Black History Month signifies the achievements of Black individuals before her, paving the way for the opportunities she has today. It's a time to reflect on their sacrifices and be grateful for their dedication, recognizing their impact on millions beyond themselves.

In addition, in the athletic setting, Halle Williams advises teammates and coaches to cultivate a supportive environment for Black athletes, encouraging them to express their opinions, ideas, and concerns while fostering growth and comfort.

"Halle is such a positive teammate!" Spirit Captain Kamryn Spell added. "She lights up every room she walks in and knows how to make everyone laugh. Her hard work and dedication to the UST Spirit Program is so inspiring to me and everyone around her."

Don't miss Halle and Celt Spirit at events across campus this year!